Your guide to porcelain veneers, alternatives to boost your smile’s brilliance in Clearwater and Seminole, FL

The enamel that protects and covers our teeth is stronger than skeletal bone; however, it is not invincible to damage. When this protective covering is chipped, slightly cracked, very discolored, or otherwise eroded, porcelain veneers are an excellent way to replace and replicate the lovely beauty and durability of the natural tooth enamel. At Boulevard Dental in Clearwater and Seminole, FL, we have also improved the shape and the size of worn-down teeth, with these “facings” placed on the front surfaces of the teeth. Veneers can also be used to fix spacing issues by covering up gaps between teeth. 

The process

If we find that porcelain veneers are appropriate for you, dental ceramics are “prepared” to match your teeth’ color and unique specifications. This planning supports veneers that adequately disguise cosmetic imperfections so that the shells fit naturally on the teeth and do not stick out too much in the smile. A minimal amount of enamel is removed. Modern veneers are so thin that little to no “preparation” or alteration of the tooth is required. The veneer itself is also modeled after an impression of the prepared tooth. 

As an “indirect restoration,” porcelain veneers are made outside of the mouth by our skilled lab partners. Once the veneer is ready to be applied to your teeth, you’ll return to our office. Drs Wujick, Moss, Kopakin and Castillo will check that the veneer fits well and looks excellent before “bonding” or fixing it securely into place. Advanced adhesive technology results in a treated tooth with unparalleled strength and resilience. 

Since so little enamel is removed, the process itself is conservative and preserves maximum natural enamel. It is also well tolerated; numbing anesthetic is often not necessary. 


Video Transcript

Veneers are thin handcrafted porcelain shields worn on the front of the tooth which improve the appearance of teeth that are chipped, cracked, stained or worn. Veneers are thin as contact lenses, and are an aesthetically pleasing option of closing gaps, lengthening teeth, and providing symmetry to make your smile more natural. Veneers are intended to last for many years without changing color. They are one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in dentistry. Ask your dentist if veneers may be right for you.


After examining your mouth and discussing your goals for treatment, our dentists may recommend the following alternatives: 

  • Inlays, onlays, or crowns for more extensive damage, such as larger cracks
  • Tooth bleaching to lift stains
  • Cosmetic orthodontics such as Invisalign® for more significant spacing issues and bite problems

Additionally, some patients may be good candidates for and prefer dental bonding. Also known as “direct veneers,” bonding can be completed in a single visit. A toothlike material or composite resin is color-matched to the surrounding teeth. Our dentists then apply this putty-like composite directly to the teeth and shape it to cover all of the conditions mentioned above. Then, the material is bonded or secured to the teeth. There are pros and cons connected with each treatment. We’re happy to discuss options with you. Reach out to us today at one of our two offices in Clearwater at (727) 758-2898 and Seminole at (727) 308-6224 to schedule your appointment.
