To our amazing Boulevard Dental family!
The month of February is National Children’s Dental Health month, brought to you by the American Dental Association. In honor of this month-long observance, Boulevard Dental was eager to create a toothbrush and toothpaste drive, proudly choosing CASA as their partner.
CASA is a non-profit domestic violence emergency shelter and safe refugee for families in danger of domestic abuse. This 24-hour support center also provides peer counseling, law enforcement training, outreach services, and other wonderful support groups through Pinellas County. If you have young children, you may be familiar with CASA Peacemakers – this amazing program incorporates anti-bullying into the Pinellas County Schools curriculum!
Toothbrushes and toothpaste are some of the first items forgotten when fleeing an unsafe environment for safe shelter. One can make a positive impact, by simply donating these items to children and adults; providing care they both need and deserve.
Supporting a healthy lifestyle is very important for our children, and who better to reach out to than our dental family! We will be collecting children’s toothbrushes and toothpaste starting February 1st through February 28th!
Boulevard Dental will be donating a case of both toothbrushes and toothpaste, and if you would like, you may stop by the office to make a contribution as well, to help support the children of CASA! If you would like to start a collection at another site, please let us know and we can coordinate a pickup for you.
Your support will be greatly appreciated, and we will be doing a progress update via our social media and business site!
Kind Regards,
Christopher T. Wujick, D.M.D., P.A.
Jason M. Kopakin, D.M.D., P.A.